The Trade Show News Network (TSNN) recently named Hershey America’s Largest RV Show® as one of its top shows for 2019. The shows are ranked for overall square footage and the Hershey Show is ranked 5th at more than 1,056,000 square feet and nearly 1,500 trade attendees.
The Consumer Technology Association’s 2019 CES took the top spot on the list, boasting a 2.9-plus million net square foot show floor that drew more than 180,000 total attendees to various venues around Las Vegas. ICUEE – The International Construction & Utility Equipment Exposition ranked second with more than 1.3 million square feet and 11,458 attendees. The Florida RV Show ranked 3rd with more than 1.2 million square feet and 1,100 trade attendees, while SEMA – The Specialty Equipment Market Association ranked fourth with 1,181,000 net square feet.
America’s Largest RV Show® has consistently ranked in the top 5 of TSNN’s annual top show list.